DicomWorks is Freeware !

You can download a full version for free, but some of its features will still be disabled until you receive a "license" key file.

How to get this key ?
Just fill this little form, send it, and we will send you a license key file by e-mail within 24 hours.

Why proceeding like this ?
This allows us to keep informed of our users, of their countries, their equipement.

"Oh no, not that, I won't fill this form because I have enough spam in my mailbox"
You can be sure that this information will only be used by us for simple contact, and NEVER sold. If you ask us to, and only you do, we can send you an e-mail each time a new version is available.

Thank you very much for your comprehension.

Philippe PUECH, M.D


* = mandatory fields
First name
Steve JOBS => Steve
Last name
Steve JOBS => JOBS

This is the address where the license file will be sent. Must be valid
Please type the same address twice
... or click a shortcut for

... or click a shortcut for

What will you use DicomWorks for ?

Where did you hear about DicomWorks ?
Other programs used in the same domain
Would you like to receive an email when a new version is ready ?
If "Yes", you will receive an email each time an important even for the project happens. Your address will be kept in our server, not transmitted or sold to third parties. If anytime you want to unsubscribe to this, you will easily be able to.
License file format
Classic "licence.lic" file ; directly recognized by the application
Zipped "licence.zip" file including the "licence.lic" file : you'll need to decompress the zip file to obtain the ".lic" file. This option is preferrable for web-based email accounts because the ".lic" file may be falsely suspected as a virus.


Read this before clicking !

(no need to try)

ex : "yoyo@hotmail.com", "fd1654ww11@166.com", "azertuiop", etc...


* If clicking on this button seems to have no effect, please see below at "Problem 1"


Problem 1 Clicking on the "Submit this form to Inviweb" has no effect
Solution 1 Disable your personal internet security software. (Identical to "Solution 1 ; Case 1")
Close your Internet Explorer Window
Clear the Internet Explorer cache (right click on the Explorer's desktop icon ; in tab "General")
Open the Internet Explorer and go back to the DicomWorks page
Start again filling the form...

Problem 2

You may have problems sending this form if you pass through a firewall. In this case, you will receive this message.

When special internet security engines like Norton's are activated, you may not be able to send the form (clicking on the button "Submit" has no effect). This is because JavaScript is disabled.

Solution 2

Case 1 :
If you are using a "software" personal firewall like Norton Internet Security or ZoneAlarm, just deactivate it the time to send the form (as seen on the right) and reactivate it.

Case 2 :
If you are browsing the net through a "hardware" firewall (just like in an hospital or a firm), then there is no solution. You have to register from home (or deactivate the firewall, which is usually impossible).
Many of you send me e-mails for asking their licence due to this problem. I am very busy and have a very little time to manually fill the forms. Your request may take a LONG time (I usually do this once a week or less...)


Problem 3 You may have problems to open the "licence.lic" file we sent you. This is usually the case with "web-based" e-mail accounts (hotmail.com, caramail.com, email.com......)
In this case, we can send you the licence.lic file in a "ZIP" file which is usually well recognized by these servers.
Solution 3 Solution :
Check the checkbox "Send license file archived in a ZIP file".
CAUTION : you will need to unzip the file so that DW recognizes it.